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Cineteca Nacional de Chile

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Centro Cultural la Moneda invites you to discover Graphic Revolts Anew. Crowds to change life, an exhibition that, under the curatorship of researchers from Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur); Nicole Cristi, Javiera Manzi, Isidora Neira, Cynthia Shuffer and Paulina Varas, proposes a journey through the relationships that, from the late sixties to the present, have linked graphic manifestations with the social movements of Latin America, with a special emphasis on the Chilean context.

This exhibition addresses graphic practice from its places of emergence and processes of production, representation, circulation and technical experimentation through posters of industrial print runs or of analogous reproduction, clandestine pamphlets, fanzines, arpilleras, scarves, intervened pavements, canvases and flags.

Graphic Revolts Anew is one of the drifts of RedCSur’s curatorial research that had its beginning in Graphic turn, like the ivy on the wall, an exhibition previously presented in Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, 2022) and in Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (Mexico City, 2023).

About the curators
  • Nicole Cristi | Designer, graduate in Aesthetics and doctoral candidate in Anthropology at University College of London. Cristi is a researcher of material culture studies, design history, anthropology of technology and is a member of Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur) since 2012.
  • Javiera Manzi | Sociologist and archivist. Manzi has been a member of Red Conceptualismos del Sur since 2012 and an active member of Coordinadora Feminista 8M.
  • Isidora Neira Ocampo | Art historian and archivist. Since 2015, she has been part of the team behind the Guillermo Núñez archive. Neira has been a member of Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur) since 2019.
  • Cynthia Shuffer | Researcher, curator, photographer. She holds a doctorate in American Studies from Universidad de Santiago de Chile, is a member of Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur) since 2019 and an active member of Coordinadora Feminista 8M. Shuffer is currently developing the Fondecyt project No. 3210390: “El despliegue de una mirada militante. Tiempo y lugar de las fotógrafas de la dictadura chilena”.
  • Paulina E. Varas | Doctor in History and Theory of Art from Universidad de Barcelona. She is a lecturer at Universidad Andrés Bello, a member of Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur) since 2007 and a member of the Ciencia Diversa nucleus of UNAB. Currently, she is developing the Fondecyt project n° 11201004: “Arte, política y mujeres en Chile”.
March 22 to June 16, 2024
Tuesday to Sunday | 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Pacífico Hall | Level -3

General admission: $2500
Students: $1500

INJUV Agreement: $1250
Friends of the CCLM: Free
Children under 12 years: free
People over 60 years of age: free
Tuesday and Sunday free entry
Reservation of tours for educational institutions, groups, communities and others
Important:The general public reservation ticket is daily, you can use it once, at the time you estimate during the day of the reservation.

Históricas © Brigada Laura Rodig (2020)

