Centenario José Venturelli
Humanismo y compromiso social
Humanismo y compromiso social
Premio Rodrigo Rojas de Negri
Saberes, territorios y materias
Creada por María Jesús Guarda, Karina Letelier y Paulo Letelier
Diálogo participativo
Recorridos mediados con enfoque de género
Recorridos mediados con enfoque de género
Explora el mundo de la literatura infantil sueca
Centro Cultural La Moneda extends an invitation to explore Borderland Threads, an exhibition rooted in the ethnographic and collaborative study developed by the British geographer Megan Ryburn together with a multidisciplinary team made up of Daniela Cobos, doctor in Didactics of Arts and textile artist; Alice Volpi, designer, animator and illustrator, and Claudia Montoya, cultural manager and textile artist.
Through the textile art of arpilleras, this exhibition presents us the stories of different Colombian immigrant women in Antofagasta, who tell us about their landscapes, stories and memories, mapping silenced narratives of their lives with scraps of fabric.
This research and exhibition is possible thanks to the support of the British Academy, London School of Economics, Servicio Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio and Universidad de Chile, by means of the Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, the Vicerrectoría de Extensión y Comunicaciones and Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
Between 2015 and 2022 she served as lecturer and researcher at the London School of Economics, an institution that sponsors her postdoctoral fellowship at the British Academy. In 2018 she published the book Uncertain citizenship: Everyday practice of Bolivian migrants in Chile together with University of California Press.
Among her latest works, she has studied the state of artistic education in the formal and non-formal educational system of the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins region.
Her creative training is autonomous thanks to family heritage from the textile trade. She has worked from social and territorial perspectives with participatory methodologies of wellbeing, generating instances of rapprochement, self-care and communication in other textile languages.
Between 2017 and 2022, she held popular and self-managed training workshops for caregivers of people with disabilities (PeSD), immigrant women from the Los Arenales settlement, students from Universidad Católica del Norte, among other spaces.
Obra realizada para la muestra por la diseñadora gráfica, ilustradora, guionista y animadora 2D, Alice Volpi
Conoce más sobre su trabajo en alicevolpi.com