Calendario de actividades

Volver al calendario Sábado, 08 de Marzo


Cineteca Nacional de Chile

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Espacio Lector Abierto

Espacio Lector Abierto (ELA) is a new space at CCLM dedicated to reading and its various material and human manifestations. Reading is a fundamental exercise in different societies by expressing our thoughts, ideas and affects that make up our relationships. At present, this space is posited as a contact zone where knowledge circulates horizontally and freely, in dialogue with the rooms of the Cultural Center, the artistic expressions that inhabit them and the visiting public.

Open Reading Space is a meeting place between reading and people, designed to promote the bond between communities, whom will find publications in different formats.

Located on level -3 of CCLM, this 155-square-meter space has a design that seeks to reveal the characteristics of the five nuclei that comprise it:

  • Catalogue | Collection of books for loan at the space or at home.
  • Cero Space | Exploration space aimed at early childhood readers, where they can develop curiosity and imagination.
  • Audio and vision | Module that is constituted by various audio-visual devices to approach reading through digital media: audio books, films, short films, etc.
  • The newspaper | Module that contains newspapers and magazines of the world.
  • Appropriation | Open shelf that invites visitors to appropriate copies that are the object of their desire.

Tuesday to Sunday | 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Free admission | Limited capacity

ELA collaborators

The founding axis of ELA is collaboration; therefore the collection of books and documents is built thanks to the contributions of institutions. So far, those who have collaborated are

Embassies | Argelia • Brasil • Canadá • China • Colombia • Corea • Costa Rica • Dinamarca • Ecuador • España – Centro Cultural de España en Chile • Francia – Instituto Francés de Chile • IndiaIndonesia • Israel • Italia • Japón • Kuwait • MalasiaMarruecos • México • Perú • Rusia • Suecia • Suiza • Tailandia • Turquía.

Publishing houses | Écfrasis • Grafito EdicionesLibros del Pez Espiral • LOM • OverolSaposcatTiempo Robado Editoras • Zero Ediciones.

Institutions | Balmaceda 1215 • Bibliotecas Libroalegre • CEdA, Centro de Estudios de Arte • Cenfoto, Centro Nacional del Patrimonio Fotográfico • Centro Chileno Nórdico de Literatura Infantil • Corporación Chilena de Video • Fundación Islámica de Chile • Fundación Mar Adentro Fundación SudFotográfica • Goethe-Institut Chile, Biblioteca • ICEI, Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen Matucana 100 • Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio • Museo de Artes Decorativas • Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos • Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile • Read Japan Project, The Nippon Foundation • Revista Ojo Zurdo • Revista Sueño de la Razón • SACO Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo • Servicio Nacional del Patrimonio Cultural • Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología • Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez • Universidad de Chile • Universidad de Concepción Universidad de Playa Ancha • Universidad del Desarrollo • Universidad Diego Portales • Universidad Finis Terrae • Zentrum Paul Klee.

Project financed by
  • Fondos Cultura, edition 2020, of the Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio.
  • Fondo Nacional de Fomento del Libro y la Lectura, Convocatoria 2021, of Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio.

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