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Volver al calendario Sábado, 22 de Febrero


Cineteca Nacional de Chile

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Friends of CCLM

By joining Centro Cultural La Moneda community, you will help support a non-profit organization dedicated to exhibiting, interpreting, and presenting art and culture. You will also be part of a group of friends of the institution that has preferential access to the annual offer of its exhibitions, events, talks and workshops.

Become a Friend of CCLM and enjoy a year full of activities and experiences around art and culture.

Anyone can belong to the Friends of CCLM aggrupation, by choosing among the different memberships alternatives we offer. We have different types of personal association plans, such as individual or couples memberships. If you are looking to donate and support art and culture, and its development and access for everyone, we invite you to learn more about our benefactors plan, where you can become part of a group of people who philanthropically contribute to our work. We also build alliances through our corporate associations with different companies, so that they can provide their collaborators with cultural experiences.

We invite you to discover our variety of membership alternatives and become a friend of CCLM.