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Cineteca Nacional de Chile

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Centro Cultural La Moneda and Ilustre Municipalidad de Santiago present the exhibition Young Art 24th Municipal Award, which for the second time in the history of the Premio Municipal Arte Joven award, and in a row, presents the 36 finalist works at CCLM.

An opportunity to learn about the talent of young artists from different regions of the country, who through diverse artistic proposals that, in different mediums, make visible the motivations, interests, and innovations of a generation of creators, while giving an account of the issues that concern us as a society.

This year, the participation was unprecedented with 794 works presented to the ten categories that characterise the contest. Its jury was made up of five representatives of the collaborating and academic institutions of Chile:

  • Varinia Brodsky | President of the jury and director of Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (representative of Ilustre Municipalidad de Santiago).
  • Bernardo Oyarzún | Artist (representative of Centro Cultural La Moneda).
  • Enrique Matthey | Representative of Escuela de Artes de la Universidad de Chile.
  • Ricardo Fuentealba | Representative of Escuela de Arte de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Patricio Kind | Representative of Escuela de Arte de la Universidad Diego Portales.

About the Young Art Municipal Award


Conceived in 1998 as Young Painters and Sculptors Municipal Award, a name that was kept for 15 years, which, after a process of profound redefinition changes both, in its relevance and scope towards the artistic circuit, as well as towards its engagement with the community. Due to this desire to update, its name was modified to Young Art Municipal Award and is expanded from two to ten categories, in order to accommodate the changes in the contemporary art scene and in the interests of the authors.

Chilean and foreign permanent residents, between 18 and 35 years of age, and/or collectives participated in the Call for the Young Art Municipal Award 2023-2024. In line with a search for renewal and contemporaneity, the 24th version of the contest included ten disciplines–or means of artistic expression–such as: painting; sculpture; etching; photography; drawing and illustration; installation; public art; performance; digital art and a category for textile art, ceramics and goldsmithing. The applicants submitted their proposals to one of the aforementioned categories, which were independently evaluated to determine a winning work and up to four honourable mentions according to the jury’s criteria.


April 26 to June 9, 2024
Tuesday to Sunday | 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Andes Hall | Level -3

General admission: $3000 (includes access to the exhibition: Graphic Revolts. Crowds to change lives).
Students: $1500

Friends of CCLM: Free entry
Children under 12 years: Free entry
People over 60 years of age: Free entry
Tuesday and sunday: Free entry
Book tours for educational institutions, groups, communities and othershere
Important:Important: The general public reservation ticket is daily, you can use it once, at the time you estimate during the day of the reservation.

Image © Centro Cultural La Moneda



